1. Title of Qualification
Version #
  0713E&E16A- National Vocational Certificate Level 4 in Electrical Technology (Building Electrician)-Solar PV System Technician


 2. NVQF Level


 3. Total Credits


 4. Purpose of the Qualification
The purpose of the training is to provide skilled manpower to improve the existing solar PV system related industry. This will improve the quality of solar PV system technician in terms of consumer�s acceptability and willingness in Pakistan. The availability of such quality of technician in the local and international markets will ultimately bring economic benefits to the producers and processors.


 5. Details of Qualification    
 Code  Competency Standards  Level  Credit
071300567Develop basic Entrepreneurial skills410
071300566Adopt Safety Precautions42
071300565Maintain Solar PV system410
071300564Troubleshoot Solar PV System410
071300563Perform Solar PV System Wiring420
071300562Install Solar PV System420
071300561Interpret job document48
071300560Develop basic Solar PV system design410
071300559Conduct site assessment for Solar PV system installation410


 6. Credit Range


 7. Equivalencies, cross credits, pre requisites
Entry for assessment for this qualification is open. However entry into formal training institute for this qualification is person having National Vocational Certificate level 3, in (Electrical Technology) Building Electrician - Solar PV System Technician. In addition to this the person must have matriculation with fundamental knowledge of electricity and electronics can also apply. In addition to this he or she must be computer literate and have knowledge of basic concepts of solar PV system.


 8. Requirements for accumulation of credits
No requirements for accumulation of credit


 9. Requirement for the award of the Qualification
Entry for assessment for this qualification is open. However entry into formal training institute for this qualification is person having National Vocational Certificate level 3, in (Electrical Technology)Building Electrician - Solar PV System Technician. In addition to this the person must have matriculation with fundamental knowledge of electricity and electronics can also apply. In addition to this he or she must be computer literate and have knowledge of basic concepts of solar PV system.


 10. Transition arrangements for current courses, awards etc
No transition arrangements for current courses, awards etc.


 11. Standard Setting Body


 12. Remarks
Prepare and train students through skill training and enable them to earn their living either through employment in industry or to be self-employed.


 13. ISCED Classfication
Electricity and energy | 0713



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